100 Day Project

Earlier this year, I decided that I was going to start a project that would take place over 100 days. Not necessarily consecutive days but 100 days throughout the year.

I got off to a great start but client work has taken precedence over the past few months and everything has ground to a halt.

I’m hoping to pick it up again from August 2024.

So far I have done 9 out of 100 days, yikes! And here they are.

Digital painting by Zoe Ingram
Digital painting by Zoe Ingram
Digital painting by Zoe Ingram
Digital painting by Zoe Ingram
Digital painting by Zoe Ingram
Digital painting by Zoe Ingram
Digital painting by Zoe Ingram
Digital painting by Zoe Ingram
Digital painting by Zoe Ingram


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