The End of an Era

Earlier this week, I received an email I knew would come someday. I’d even thought about it that morning on my daily walk. And even though I knew that news would come at some point, it still shocked me and stirred up a wave of emotions.

My dear agent Lilla is retiring and closing the agency Lilla Rogers Studio as of September 12th 2024. She will continue her Make Art That Sells teaching and teaching in Europe.

Read the news here

I’ve been with the agency for over 10 years and have learned so much from Lilla and my LRS family. Lilla is one of the hardest-working people I know and she is such a great advocate for artists, female artists in particular.

But now it’s her time to enjoy her retirement, do what she loves and spend time with her family. It must have been a tough decision for her because I know how much the agency and her artists mean to her.

Strangely, as I already mentioned, I wasn’t surprised to receive that email. I had been for a walk earlier that morning and it was one of the things I was thinking about on my walk. “I wonder what will happen when Lilla retires?”, “what will happen to the agency?”. How bizarre, right?!

I did experience a wave of different emotions though, happiness for having been a part of such a wonderful agency, then sadness, unsettledness and mild panic! I mean, I’ve been with LRS for over 10 years and how will I ever possibly manage on my own?! I’m joking of course, I know it’ll be just fine. It always is. Lilla and the other agents (Kim, Susan & Riley) have set me up for this very moment and I’m so incredibly grateful to them for that. For taking a chance on me and nurturing me along my journey. I’ve felt nothing but supported and loved by my LRS family.

I’ve had the opportunity to work with clients from all over the globe and worked on some incredible projects. Trips to New York for Surtex, lots of Menageries, a virtual artist retreat. A real dream come true and memories to last a lifetime. And of course, it all started with the Make Art That Sells classes and the Global Talent Search.

Moving forward, right at this moment, I have no idea what I’m going to do. I have a few jobs on the go right now that are taking up ALL my time so I feel like I can’t/don’t have the energy to start planning right now, although it’s ticking away in my head.  I suppose the most obvious thing to do would be to just continue doing what I’m doing now but flying solo and see how it goes. I’m feeling really in need of getting back to my textile/pattern-making roots because I’ve had no time for it and I miss it so much. I may take a course that I’ve had my eye on for a while relating to pattern design. Handling all of the business/admin side of things scares me though so I may consider finding another agent if I’m finding it overwhelming. Or maybe I’ll become an agent myself! Who knows. Time will tell.

Love you, Lilla. Enjoy your retirement to the absolute max! You deserve it.


2 responses to “The End of an Era”

  1. I remember when you won the global talent search, and have followed ever since and love your art work, especially the birds!
    Good luck with your next chapter, I’m sure you’ll do great.

    1. Thanks so much Sarah! The GTS feels like a lifetime ago. I’m excited for this new chapter.

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